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Sport-Elec Ab Belt

Sport-Elec Ab Belt

The Ab Belt™ sends a signal that stimulates the nerves that work the ab muscles. The result is strong, deep, yet comfortable contractions that, over time, train your muscles without you having to do any exercise. It has been cleared by the FDA, and tests show you'll effectively tone, tighten and strengthen your ab muscles, increase your endurance and improve abdominal muscle tone.  

Product Features

  • Ab-stimulating belt for developing firm, toned abs without working out
  • Uses FDA-approved electro muscle stimulation (EMS) technology
  • Tightens and strengthens abs, increases endurance, and improves tone
  • Gel pads are built into toning belt and don't need to be replaced
  • Abdominal belt fits up to 45-inch midsections; includes extension belt to 54 inches.

Product Description

The Sport-Elec Body Control System Ab Belt stimulates the Nerves that work the body's muscles. The result is strong deep, yet comfortable, contractions that, over time, train your muscles to be firmer and stronger, while you work, play, exercise or relax!

Product at a Glance

Electronic muscle stimulation is the use of electronic wavelengths to trigger muscle contractions. You may see machines using this technology quite often in physical therapy and chiropractic practices. Used in ab belts, electronic  muscle stimulation triggers contractions in the abdominal muscles. These contractions are said to increase the strength of the midsection similar to how crunches would.

Product in Focus

Sport-Elec resembles many other ab belts on the market in design. One glaring difference, however, seems to be the use of a Contact Cream instead of gel pads. Clinical usage prefers gel pads, and it is unclear why this product prefers a messy cream. In addition to this odd application method, the product comes with a diet plan, instructional booklet, ab belt with attached control and one bottle of the Contact Cream. Despite these inclusions, there is one crucial component missing. The company does not seem to offer a satisfaction guarantee with this product. We have found that the best ab belts usually come with a satisfaction guarantee. Many of them allow for a 60 day guarantee, ensuring customers are pleased with the product and the results they should be seeing at that time. Without a guarantee, consumers are likely to be stuck with this product, whether or not it works.


Information About Manufacturer
Sport Elec products, in general, are the property of Savvier, LP, a direct marketing company that specializes in fitness products. Savvier’s products are widely available on the retail market and are familiar players on the As Seen on TV infomercial scene. Consumers interested in Savvier’s business practices, marketing methodologies, and corporate philosophy can visit Savvier’s website, which is conveniently available to anyone who is interested.

Though Savvier is responsible for a variety of recognizable brand names, we did not find information on the Sport Elec belts. A few of these exist on the retail market. One of them even has its own ordering site. But on the official Savvier website, no mention appears to be made of Sport Elec, in either its vibrating or its EMS format.



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$70.00 (64%)



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